Hello, lovely readers!

Remember that beautiful couple from the surprise engagement session last November? Well, guess what? Kortney and Parker have another exciting milestone on the horizon—they're expecting a baby in May! Can you feel the anticipation in the air? I sure can!

As a photographer, I get to witness and capture these precious moments of joy, and I was thrilled when Kortney reached out to me for their maternity session. What made this session even more special is that Kortney and Parker decided to keep the baby's gender a surprise until delivery day. Talk about suspense and excitement!

We planned the maternity session with great care, making sure every detail was just right. Kortney had a vision of being surrounded by water, so we chose a picturesque location—Spring Creek in Batesville. The gentle flow of water, the vibrant spring greens, and Kortney's stunning maternity gown created a magical setting that was perfect for this momentous occasion.

When Kortney arrived at the creek, her radiant smile lit up the entire place. Despite the nerves and anticipation, there was a sense of calm and joy in the air. Parker was by her side, beaming with pride and love, ready to capture every moment of this journey.

As we began the session, I couldn't help but marvel at the love between Kortney and Parker. Their connection was palpable, and it reflected in every photograph. Whether they were sharing a sweet embrace by the water's edge or laughing together under the canopy of trees, their love shone brightly.

Throughout the session, Kortney's excitement and anticipation for their little one's arrival were infectious. She radiated beauty and grace, embodying the magic of motherhood in every pose. Parker was the perfect partner, showering her with affection and support every step of the way.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the creek, we wrapped up the session with a sense of fulfillment and joy. It was more than just a photoshoot—it was a celebration of love, family, and the miracle of new life.

To Kortney and Parker, I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations once again. May this journey of parenthood be filled with endless blessings, love, and cherished moments. Your little bundle of joy is already surrounded by so much love, and I can't wait to meet him or her in May!

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this special chapter in your lives. Here's to many more beautiful moments ahead!

Enjoy some images from their gallery!