Two Souls, One Heart...

On November 13th, Parker reached out needing a photographer for a personal event, but I couldn't mention anything to Kortney. To me that could only mean one thing.....PROPOSAL!!! Parker and Kortney are both coaches at Lyon College. Kortney coach women's volleyball and Parker coach men's & women's golf.

A perfect couple, am I right?!?

Now back to the proposal planning...Parker wanted to pop the question at Jamestown Crag, a beautiful/private hiking location in Batesville, AR. We met at the location a few days before the big day to make sure that we were on the same page as far, location and positioning. He wanted the proposal to be private and for me (the photographer) to be undetected if possible, so the photos could be a surprise. Well that didn't go as plan.

On Sunday November 19, 2023, before Parker dropped down on one knee, Kortney and Harvey ,their pup, had spotted me. My cover was blown, BUT it was still a beautiful moment. Trust me I tried my best, but all of the leaves had fell where I was suppose to be hidden. It worked out in our favor, because we got to do a small engagement session afterwards. :)

Congratulations Parker + Kortney!!!

Thank you for letting me be a part of your big day!

Enjoy some images from their gallery! :)